1. The model number can be found on all F&P fridges and freezers on a plate at the bottom right corner of the bottom panel at the front of your fridge. If you have a fridge-freezer, this panel is on the inside front panel of the bottom compartment.

2. Fridge freezer care1. Door seal: Keep the door seal clean. Mould will distort the seal’s surface and allow cold air to leak out.

3. Freezer compartment: Defrost the compartment when the ice reaches 1.5cm thick. Any thicker and the fridge will use more electricity than necessary.

4. Shelves: Try not to overload shelves, as they could break. You can buy new shelves from manufacturers. Wire shelves allow cold air to circulate freely, but don’t stop leaks like solid glass shelves can.

5. Cooling coils: Vacuum the rear of the fridge every six months to avoid a build-up of dust on the cooling coils. If the coils are dusty, your fridge will have to work harder – increasing your electricity bills.

6. Door hinges: Place heavy items (like a big bottle of milk) close to the door hinges to put them under less stress. Replacement hinges are not expensive.

7. Thermostat: Adjust the thermostat if your fridge starts to freeze or if food is going off quickly. A thermometer in a glass of water will help you set it to between 1°C and 5°C. Any warmer and food will spoil faster than it should.

8. Drainage: To prevent leaks that could damage your floor, clean the drain every few months with the tool provided by the manufacturer or alternatively use a cotton wool bud.